Avoiding Gray Hair

Gray hair is caused by lack of pigment in the hair follicle and is often an accompanying symptom of the aging process. The ultimate cause of gray hair is stress on the body that damages the melanocytes responsible for producing the pigment responsible for the hair's color. In order to prevent gray hair damage to the melanocytes must be avoided. This can be accomplished by avoiding the stresses that cause cellular damage, providing the body with with adequate defenses against these stresses and helping the body to eliminate the damaging substances caused by stress.

How and when hair turns gray is dependent on many factors including genetic, lifestyle and environmental. Hereditary factors are largely out of our control and, although science and medicine show some promise of developing means to alter this aspect of our health, there is no proven technique to change our genetic disposition to gray. Fortunately, a great deal of the graying process is due to environmental and lifestyle factors that are within our ability to change.

Stress produces the effects of aging including gray hair. Stress is a normal part of life but when the body's ability to handle stress is overwhelmed irreversible changes such as gray hair result. Gray hair begins at the cellular level with damage to the cells that produce melanin, the substance that gives hair and skin it's color. All forms of stress can lead to damage to the body's cells and there are several common mechanisms that the body uses to defend against the damage that stress causes. In order to avoid gray hair and other affects of aging we need to reduce the stress we put on our bodies and provide the materials that the body needs to reduce the damage caused by stress.

To avoid the premature graying of hair three simple steps need to be followed:

  1. Avoid stress

  2. Provide your body with the nutrients it needs to combat the effects of stress

  3. Assist your body's elimination process to remove cellular toxins

Although this sounds relatively simple, history and experience has show this to be one of the most challenging goals; the proverbial fountain of youth. However, it should be said that when the goal of avoiding gray hair is perused the entire process of aging is also slowed and the benefits are much greater than just more beautiful hair.

Lets look more deeply into these steps.

  1. Avoid stress:

    Avoiding stress is avoiding cellular toxicity. Stress produces many changes to the body that result in cellular toxins such as free radicals, inflammatory compounds, oxidized lipids, damaged proteins, etc. etc. Toxins can also come directly from the environment; our environment is full of toxins from air pollution, industry and manufacturing processes. Even the foods we eat can be a source of stress and toxins both emotionally and chemically. When possible eat organic foods and minimize exposure to environmental toxins such as auto exhaust, contaminated water and industrial chemicals.

    Our bodies are adapted to the substances and materials found in nature but the products of the industrialized world are new to our species are a source of stress that accelerates the aging process. When eating, drinking or breathing try to limit your exposures to natural settings and substances.

    In today's world it is difficult or impossible to avoid all stress so do your best and don't worry too much. Worry and fear are some of the greatest stresses that we face causing the body to produce toxins internally though hormones and inflammatory processes. This means that in order to avoid stress fully, you need to reduce your emotional, mental and spiritual stresses as well.

    Again, don't worry, just do your best. There are other steps you can take to mitigate the effects stresses cannot avoid or control.

  1. Provide your body with the nutrients it needs to combat the effects of stress:

    Your body is built of what you eat, drink and the air you breathe. Provide your body with natural, healthy and wholesome foods, water and air. Our cells use many nutrients to combat the effects of toxins and reduce the damage stress causes. Many vitamins and essential minerals are utilized by the cells to reduce or repair the damage caused by toxins. Anti-oxidants and omega fatty acids are utilized extensively by the cells to defend against stress and oxidation.

    There are literally thousands of nutrients that the body uses to fight the effects of stress and slow the aging process; almost every day a new anti-oxidant or dietary nutrient is brought forward as the cure for aging, only to be replaced by a new super food tomorrow. There are some general rules that can help make sense of this onslaught of fad and fancy:

      1. Colorful fruits and vegetables are generally high in antioxidants. Plants use colorful compounds such as carotinoids and anthocyanididns to reduce the damage caused by ultraviolet radiation. Our cells also utilize these components to combat the effects of toxins.

      2. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are easily damaged by heat and manufacturing processes. Plant oils eaten with little or no cooking are the best.

    Other factors that are important to good health, though much forgotten in today's scientific society are good friendships and other relationships as well as developing a sense of love and appreciation for life. These are beneficial to the body as they help to boost the immune system and prevent self-toxicity from stress and worry.

  1. Assist your body's elimination process to remove cellular toxins:

    Despite the best efforts, you will be exposed to cellular toxins. Help your body to eliminate these damaging compounds from your system.

      1. On a cellular level this means drinking plenty of pure water. Water helps carry away the toxins into the blood and lymph system and out of the body.

      2. For the body systems exercise creates the flow of fluids that flush away the toxins and move them to the organs of elimination. Our lymph and circulatory systems are dependent on physical exercise to move fluids and prevent stagnation. Moderate exercises such as walking, bicycling and similar activities are the best way to help you body move the toxins away from your cells. Other techniques such as massage and skin brushing are excellent to assist this process.

      3. Along with drinking plenty of water, eat enough fiber to eliminate stagnation of the digestion and help detoxify the body. Fiber helps reduce the time foods stagnate in the bowels as well as binding the wastes from the liver and bile to remove them from the body. Many experts in the field of longevity have focused on auto-toxicity due to food stagnation as the source of premature aging. Fiber (found in fruits and vegetables) increases the movement of wastes in the digestion and helps the body eliminate cellular toxins processed by the liver.

      4. Water is needed for the kidneys to flush the blood as well as the tissues. The easiest way to judge water intake is color of urination. Dark or painful urine indicates that not enough water is being consumed. Urine that is completely clear is not a necessarily good and indicates that further consultation with a physician may be necessary. Good rules of thumb exist for water and fiber intake but each person is unique and if there is any concern about an individuals health it is a good idea to consult a dietician or doctor.

There are simple steps to avoid the premature graying of hair. These steps are: avoid stress, provide your body with the nutrients it needs to combat the effects of stress, and assist your body's elimination process to remove cellular toxins. Though these steps are simple they are not easy. Remember that worry is one of the most potent stresses in our lives and should be avoided above any other. Just do your best day by day and you will make progress.

Be Well and Shine!