Health Risks Associated With Stressed Food

You are what you eat!

New evidence is emerging that by stressing our food we are endangering our own health. Science is catching up with the age old wisdom that health is affected by not just the nutritional value of the foods we eat, but also the health of those foods. Amyloid fibrils have been associated with several degenerative diseases and now it appears that by stressing our food supply, we are exposing ourselves to these very compounds.

Remember the mad cow scare? It looks as though we are on the brink of understanding that, by stressing the animals we depend on for food, we are seeding the increasing degeneration of our own culture. Amyloid fibrils apparently are capable of initiating the degenerative process of Alzheimer, arthritis and other degenerative diseases.

"a biochemical mechanism akin to the replication of similar protein fragments in the brain diseases Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), scrapie, and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow disease, might occur when amyloid fibrils enter brain tissue or the pancreas" - Inderscience Publishers (2009, February 19). Potential Health Risks Associated With Stressed Foodstuffs Such As Foie Gras
"Prion protein, notorious for causing the brain-wasting mad cow and Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseases, may also be a coconspirator in Alzheimer’s disease" - Science News Web edition

It is important to remember that, despite the prevailing trends reduce the world to its components and ignore the connectedness of life and nature, we are what we eat in more profound ways than chemical nutritionally. Wholesome does not mean fortified. Caged and feedlot animals, genetically manipulated crops, chemically enhanced growth, medicines produced from factories... these are not the way to health.

Participate in your food, know where it came from and how it was treated. Eat well to live well; even science is beginning to show that the connections between us, our food, our families and our world are the true fundamental sources of our wealth and well-being.

Let those who will not listen super-size and degrade themselves, try to do better for yourself - please don't join them.

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