High Fructose Corn Syrup Causes Diabetes

Yes, it is true, those sodas are pushing your body into diabetes.

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), the grand invention of the modern food industry, can lead directly to metabolic syndrome and diabetes, two of the fastest growing epidemics on earth.

Fructose, a type of sugar that is found in HFCS and composes half of most other sugars, is processed differently by our bodies than glucose, the preferred sugar of out bodies. Fructose is processed to form fats much more rapidly than glucose. Especially when combined with a diet too rich in carbohydrates, the rapid accumulation of fat initiates and drives the spiral to diabetes through metabolic syndrome and obesity.

Nature has not been fair to us who live in the plenty of the modern world, for as we get larger, our bodies go haywire. The fat secretes hormones that increase hunger and disrupt the normal feedback mechanisms for our fat and sugar metabolism. The sensitivuty of our bodies to insulin decreases at the same time as our desire for sugar takes off.

This is true for all sweets. Especially when devoid of fiber, sugars are absorbed extremely rapidly, overtaxing out bodies ablility to regulate blood sugar and causing a rapid increase in fat storage. Fructose is just exceptionally easy to store as fat so, not only do we get the high and crash of the sugar, we accelerate the downward spiral of hormonal imbalance, autotoxicity, unregualted blood sugars, and ultimately metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

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