
I wish I had some more insight into grieving.

I have found that this process is difficult and the best help I get are the moments of silence I share with others. When I am alone the burden is great and I cannot go to the place inside that needs my attention but in the company of others I can often feel safe enough to visit that place of loss.

I wonder what will heal this, I see that time has closed up the edges a little. I wish I knew what the process was so I could patent an easier way... so far I have only seen the age old wisdom I already knew:

Loss and grief are much like wounds:

Acutely it is good to have some help to stop the bleeding - a pressure pack of family or friends.

Debridement is necessary to remove the irritations that stand in the way of healing or slow the process and this is a good place to get some help with perspective.

Initially there is a lot of itching involved but it is best to leave a wound alone to allow the healing to proceed naturally.

Unfortunately this is where I am right now... if the analogy holds there will be a time to stretch and strengthen the healing tissues so that the scar can be as strong as possible, I suppose that is the process of sharing and helping others in their grief. From what I know about wound healing, this phase is important to take gently and not push too hard.

We will see.

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