More on Grief

As I continue to walk though this experience of loss and change I am coming to know a new power that springs form this grief and bereavement. Although there are still many tears that break upon my heart in waves, I have seen the shore. There is a place ahead where love and loss dance together in a constant exchange of growth and sharing.

I am grateful for this experience and glad the universe chose me to learn this lesson. I know I will never know a moment without loving those who are gone and the whole in my soul is a place where my compassion can blossom.

This loss has shown me the reach of my own heart and the depth of my commitment to living fully. Now I know that the pain of loss is my own choice, a decision I made based on incomplete understanding of love and my desire to hold back the tide. I am blessed to know these feelings and am even glad of the pain that lets me release them back to the sea.

Now I must swim the last stretch to the shore and I see there are waves of pain awaiting. Let me remember that my soul has chosen this beach to land upon and the ocean is not to blame for my journey.